URL decoder

The URL Decoder tool allows you to decode any URL-encoded string by converting any %xx encoded characters back into their original form. URL encoding is a way of representing characters in a URL by replacing them with a percent sign followed by a hexadecimal number that represents the character's ASCII code. The URL Decoder tool can be useful for developers, webmasters, and anyone who needs to decode URLs for debugging, analysis, or other purposes.

What is URL decoder?

URL decoding is the process of converting a URL-encoded string back to its original text or data format. URL encoding is a method of converting special characters in a URL into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet, and decoding is the reverse process of converting the encoded string back to its original form.

To use a URL decoder, an encoded URL string is typically entered into the tool's input box, and then the tool generates a decoded string that can be used in a web browser or other internet application.

A URL decoder is a tool that takes an encoded URL string as input and converts it back to its original format. The decoder identifies the special characters in the encoded string, such as "%20" for a space character, and replaces them with their corresponding ASCII characters. For example, "%20" is decoded to a space character.

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