URL encoder

The URL Encoder tool allows you to encode any URL by replacing non-alphanumeric characters with percent encoding. This tool is useful when you want to pass parameters via URL or when you want to make sure that a URL is compliant with the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The encoded URL can be copied to the clipboard or used directly in your web application or website.

What is URL encoder?

URL encoding is a method of converting text or data into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet. URLs, or Uniform Resource Locators, are the web addresses used to identify resources on the internet, such as web pages, images, or other files. Sometimes URLs may contain special characters that are not allowed in a URL or that can cause errors when trying to access the resource.

To use a URL encoder, the text or data that needs to be encoded is typically entered into the tool's input box, and then the tool generates an encoded URL string that can be used in a web browser or other internet application.

URL encoding is an important tool for web developers and internet users who need to transmit text or data over the internet in a safe and secure manner. It helps to ensure that URLs are properly formatted and that the resources they identify can be accessed without errors or other issues.

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URL decoder

Decode URL input to back to a normal string.


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